Baidyanath (Jhansi) Ramban Ras Tablet is an ayurvedic medicine made from herbs and metals. It contains purified mercury, purified sulphur and shudha vatsanabh in equal amount. The major ingredients of the medicine are clove, black pepper and nutmeg. It is useful in many diseases related to the digestive system. Beside, it is effective to treat bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, etc. It is also helpful in joint pain and stiffness, gout, asthma, and chronic rheumatism.
Tonic & antiperiodic. Useful in gout, asthma, chronic rheumatism and indigestion.
Kajjali, Vatsanabh, Laung, Marich, Jaiphal
1 Tab with Madhu twice a day.