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  1. As the stomach is pressed and then allowed to go limp in this ASANA, the liver, urinary bladder, spleen, intestines and stomach are well exercised by it.
  2. Helps one to get rid of constipation, improves appetite, releases wind and reduces flatulence.

Description of the asana

  1. Lie down on a mat. Exhale and stop breathing. Lift left leg, bend it and bring it up to the stomach. Let the knee touch the chin, with the rest of the leg touching the chest, press down on the leg, so that the stomach and chest receive pressure.
  2. Lift your neck and place your chin on the knee. Remain in this position as long as you can hold your breath. Then breath slowly, and straighten you leg. Put your head back on the floor.
  3. Repeat with the right leg.
  4. Repeat the same with the both legs
  5. Repeat the whole operation three times.

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